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This velour headband protects and holds hair away from the face when applying and washing cosmetics, as well as during beauty treatments at home. The Velcro fastening makes the headband easy to put on and take off, allows for adjustment and a perfect fit to the head circumference. The fabric hairband is a lovely addition to your cosmetic essentials and a practical product which makes your daily beauty routine more enjoyable. 

FLOSLEK advice - create SPA ritual at home

Feminine care is not only about daily moisturising of the skin, a regenerating mask applied in the evening or remembering to use eye cream every day, not only after a sleepless night. Feminine care is a daily beauty ritual, a way to feel good in the morning and a moment of relaxation after a hard day.

Which make-up hairband is best?

A cosmetic hairband shields and pulls hair away from the face when applying make-up. A wide hairband with a Velcro fastener is a convenient accessory that makes everyday grooming and make-up easier.